
Creates a dialog element. It manages user interaction with the interface elements. For any interface element to be shown, it must be encapsulated in a dialog.


Ihandle* IupDialog(Ihandle *child); [in C]
iup.dialog{child: ihandle} -> (elem: ihandle) [in Lua]
dialog(child) [in LED]

child: Identifier of an interface element. The dialog has only one child. It can be NULL (nil in Lua), or empty in LED.

Returns: the identifier of the created element, or NULL if an error occurs.



BACKGROUND (non inheritable): Dialog background color or image. Can be a non inheritable alternative to BGCOLOR or can be the name of an image to be tiled on the background. See also the screenshots of the sample.c results with normal background, changing the dialog BACKGROUND, the dialog BGCOLOR and the children BGCOLOR. Not working in GTK 3. (since 3.0)

BORDER (non inheritable) (creation only): Shows a resize border around the dialog. Default: "YES". BORDER=NO is useful only when RESIZE=NO, MAXBOX=NO, MINBOX=NO, MENUBOX=NO and TITLE=NULL, if any of these are defined there will be always some border.

BORDERSIZE (non inheritable) (read only): returns the border size. (since 3.18)

CHILDOFFSET: Allow to specify a position offset for the child. Available for native containers only. It will not affect the natural size, and allows to position controls outside the client area. Format "dxxdy", where dx and dy are integer values corresponding to the horizontal and vertical offsets, respectively, in pixels. Default: 0x0. (since 3.14)

CURSOR (non inheritable): Defines a cursor for the dialog.

EXPAND (non inheritable): The default value is "YES".

NACTIVE (non inheritable): same as ACTIVE but does not affects the controls inside the dialog. (since 3.13)

SIZE (non inheritable): Dialog’s size. Additionally the following values can also be defined for width and/or height:

The dialog Natural size is only considered when the User size is not defined or when it is bigger than the Current size. This behavior is different from a control that goes inside the dialog. Because of that, when SIZE or RASTERSIZE are set (changing the User size), the Current size is internally reset to 0x0, so the the Natural size can be considered when re-computing the Current size of the dialog.

Values set at SIZE or RASTERSIZE attributes of a dialog are always accepted, regardless of the minimum size required by its children. For a dialog to have the minimum necessary size to fit all elements contained in it, simply define SIZE or RASTERSIZE to NULL. Also if you set SIZE or RASTERSIZE to be used as the initial size of the dialog, its contents will be limited to this size as the minimum size, if you do not want that, then after showing the dialog reset this size to NULL so the dialog can be resized to smaller values. But notice that its contents will still be limited by the Natural size, to also remove that limitation set SHRINK=YES. To only change the User size in pixels, without resetting the Current size, set the USERSIZE attribute (since 3.12).

Notice that the dialog size includes its decoration (it is the Window size), the area available for controls are returned by the dialog CLIENTSIZE. For more information see Layout Guide.

SIMULATEMODAL (write-only): disable all other visible dialogs, just like when the dialog is made modal. (since 3.21)

TITLE (non inheritable): Dialog’s title. Default: NULL. If you want to remove the title bar you must also set MENUBOX=NO, MAXBOX=NO and MINBOX=NO, before map. But in Motif and GTK it will hide it only if RESIZE=NO also.

VISIBLE: Simply call IupShow or IupHide for the dialog.

ACTIVE, BGCOLOR, FONT, EXPAND, SCREENPOSITION, WID, TIP, CLIENTOFFSET, CLIENTSIZE, RASTERSIZE, ZORDER: also accepted. Note that ACTIVE, BGCOLOR and FONT will also affect all the controls inside the dialog.

Drag & Drop attributes and callbacks are supported. 


CUSTOMFRAMESIMULATE: allows the application to customize the dialog frame elements (the title and its buttons) by using IUP controls for its elements like caption, minimize button, maximize button, and close buttons. The custom frame support is entirely simulated by IUP, no native support for custom frame is used (this seems to have less drawbacks on the application behavior). The application is responsible for leaving space for the borders. One drawback is that menu bars will not work. For the dialog to be able to be moved an IupLabel, or a IupFlatLabel or an IupCanvas must be at the top of the dialog and must have the NAME attribute set to CUSTOMFRAMECAPTION. See the Custom Frame notes bellow. (since 3.28)

By setting this attribute the following attributes will be set:


The BUTTON_CB and MOTION_CB callbacks of the dialog will be set too, so the dialog can be resized. The BUTTON_CB and MOTION_CB callbacks of the element with NAME=CUSTOMFRAMECAPTION  will also be changed so the dialog can be moved and maximized with double click. Its the application responsibility to implement the minimize, maximize and close buttons.

DEFAULTENTER:  Name of the button activated when the user press Enter when focus is in another control of the dialog. Use IupSetHandle or IupSetAttributeHandle to associate a button to a name.

DEFAULTESC: Name of the button activated when the user press Esc when focus is in another control of the dialog. Use IupSetHandle or IupSetAttributeHandle to associate a button to a name.

DIALOGFRAME: Set the common decorations for modal dialogs. This means RESIZE=NO, MINBOX=NO and MAXBOX=NO. In Windows, if the PARENTDIALOG is defined then the MENUBOX is also removed, but the Close button remains.

ICON: Dialog’s icon. The Windows SDK recommends that cursors and icons should be implemented as resources rather than created at run time.

FULLSCREEN: Makes the dialog occupy the whole screen over any system bars in the main monitor. All dialog details, such as title bar, borders, maximize button, etc, are removed. Possible values: YES, NO. In Motif you may have to click in the dialog to set its focus. In Motif if set to YES when the dialog is hidden, then it can not be changed after it is visible.

MAXBOX (creation only): Requires a maximize button from the window manager. If RESIZE=NO then MAXBOX will be set to NO. Default: YES. In Motif the decorations are controlled by the Window Manager and may not be possible to be changed from IUP. In Windows MAXBOX is hidden only if MINBOX is hidden as well, or else it will be just disabled.

MAXSIZE: Maximum size for the dialog in raster units (pixels). The windowing system will not be able to change the size beyond this limit. Default: 65535x65535. (since 3.0)

MENU: Name of a menu. Associates a menu to the dialog as a menu bar. The previous menu, if any, is unmapped. Use IupSetHandle or IupSetAttributeHandle to associate a menu to a name. See also IupMenu.

MENUBOX (creation only): Requires a system menu box from the window manager. If hidden will also remove the Close button. Default: YES. In Motif the decorations are controlled by the Window Manager and may not be possible to be changed from IUP. In Windows if hidden will hide also MAXBOX and MINBOX.

MINBOX (creation only): Requires a minimize button from the window manager. Default: YES. In Motif the decorations are controlled by the Window Manager and may not be possible to be changed from IUP. In Windows MINBOX is hidden only if MAXBOX is hidden as well, or else it will be just disabled.

MINSIZE: Minimum size for the dialog in raster units (pixels). The windowing system will not be able to change the size beyond this limit. Default: 1x1. Some systems define a very minimum size greater than this, for instance in Windows the horizontal minimum size includes the window decoration buttons. (since 3.0)

MODAL (read-only): Returns the popup state. It is "YES" if the dialog was shown using IupPopup. It is "NO" if IupShow was used or it is not visible. At the first time the dialog is shown, MODAL is not set yet when SHOW_CB is called. (since 3.0)

NATIVEPARENT (creation only): Native handle of a dialog to be used as parent. Used only if PARENTDIALOG is not defined.

PARENTDIALOG (creation only): Name of a dialog to be used as parent.

PLACEMENT: Changes how the dialog will be shown. Values: "FULL", "MAXIMIZED", "MINIMIZED" and "NORMAL". Default: NORMAL. After IupShow/IupPopup the attribute is set back to "NORMAL". FULL is similar to FULLSCREEN but only the dialog client area covers the screen area, menu and decorations will be there but out of the screen. In UNIX there is a chance that the placement won't work correctly, that depends on the Window Manager. In Windows, the SHOWNOACTIVATE attribute can be set to Yes to prevent the window from being activated (since 3.15). In Windows, the SHOWMINIMIZENEXT attribute can be set to Yes to activate the next top-level window in the Z order when minimizing (since 3.15).

RESIZE (creation only): Allows interactively changing the dialog’s size. Default: YES. If RESIZE=NO then MAXBOX will be set to NO. In Motif the decorations are controlled by the Window Manager and may not be possible to be changed from IUP.

SHRINK: Allows changing the elements’ distribution when the dialog is smaller than the minimum size. Default: NO.

STARTFOCUS: Name of the element that must receive the focus right after the dialog is shown using IupShow or IupPopup. If not defined then the first control than can receive the focus is selected (same effect of calling IupNextField for the dialog). Updated after SHOW_CB is called and only if the focus was not changed during the callback.

SHOWNOFOCUS: do not set focus after show. (since 3.30)

Exclusive [System Dependent]

HWND [Windows Only] (non inheritable, read-only): Returns the Windows Window handle. Available in the Windows driver or in the GTK driver in Windows.

SAVEUNDER [Windows and Motif Only] (creation only): When this attribute is true (YES), the dialog stores the original image of the desktop region it occupies (if the system has enough memory to store the image). In this case, when the dialog is closed or moved, a redrawing event is not generated for the windows that were shadowed by it. Its default value is YES if the dialog has a parent dialog (since 3.24). To save memory disable it for your main dialog. Not available in GTK.

XWINDOW [UNIX Only] (non inheritable, read-only): Returns the X-Windows Window (Drawable). Available in the Motif driver or in the GTK driver in UNIX.


Exclusive [Windows and GTK Only]

ACTIVEWINDOW [Windows and GTK Only] (read-only): informs if the dialog is the active window (the window with focus). Can be Yes or No. (since 3.4)

CUSTOMFRAME [Windows and GTK Only] (non inheritable): allows the application to customize the dialog frame elements (the title and its buttons) by using IUP controls for its elements like caption, minimize button, maximize button, and close buttons. The custom frame support uses the native system support for custom frames. The application is responsible for leaving space for the borders. One drawback is that menu bars will not work. For the dialog to be able to be moved an IupLabel or an IupCanvas must be at the top of the dialog and must have the NAME attribute set to CUSTOMFRAMECAPTION (since 3.22). Native custom frames are supported only in Windows and in GTK version 3.10, so for older GTK versions we have to simulate the support using CUSTOMFRAMESIMULATE. (since 3.18) (renamed in 3.22) (GTK support since 3.22) See the Custom Frame notes bellow.

DROPFILESTARGET [Windows and GTK Only] (non inheritable): Enable or disable the drop of files. Default: NO, but if DROPFILES_CB is defined when the element is mapped then it will be automatically enabled.

MAXIMIZED [Windows and GTK Only] (read-only): indicates if the dialog is maximized. Can be YES or NO. (since 3.12)

MINIMIZED [Windows and GTK Only] (read-only): indicates if the dialog is minimized. Can be YES or NO. (since 3.15)

OPACITY [Windows and GTK Only]: sets the dialog transparency alpha value. Valid values range from 0 (completely transparent) to 255 (opaque). In Windows must be set before map so the native window would be properly initialized when mapped (since 3.16). (GTK 2.12)

OPACITYIMAGE [Windows Only]: sets an RGBA image as the dialog background so it is possible to create a non rectangle window with transparency, but it can not have children. Used usually for splash screens. It must be set before map so the native window would be properly initialized when mapped. Works also for GTK but as the SHAPEIMAGE attribute. (since 3.16)

SHAPEIMAGE [Windows and GTK Only]: sets a RGBA image as the dialog shape so it is possible to create a non rectangle window with children. (GTK 2.12) Only the fully transparent pixels will be transparent. The pixels colors will be ignored, only the alpha channel is used. (since 3.26)

TOPMOST [Windows and GTK Only]:  puts the dialog always in front of all other dialogs in all applications. Default: NO.

Exclusive [Windows Only]

BRINGFRONT [Windows Only] (write-only): makes the dialog the foreground window. Use "YES" to activate it. Useful for multithreaded applications.

COMPOSITED [Windows Only] (creation only): controls if the window will have an automatic double buffer for all children. Default is "NO". In Windows Vista it is NOT working as expected. It is NOT compatible with IupCanvas and all derived IUP controls such as IupFlat*, IupGL*, IupPlot and IupMatrix, because IupCanvas uses CS_OWNDC in the window class.

CONTROL [Windows Only] (creation only): Embeds the dialog inside another window.

CUSTOMFRAMEDRAW [Windows Only] (non inheritable): allows the application to customize the dialog frame elements (the title and its buttons) by drawing them with the CUSTOMFRAMEDRAW_CB callback. Can be Yes or No. The Window client area is expanded to include the whole window. Notice that the dialog attributes like BORDER, RESIZE, MAXBOX, MINBOX and TITLE must still be defined. But maximize, minimize and close buttons must be manually implemented in the BUTTON_CB callback. One drawback is that menu bars will not work. (since 3.18) (renamed in 3.22)

CUSTOMFRAMECAPTIONHEIGHT [Windows Only] (non inheritable): height of the caption area. If not defined it will use the system size. (since 3.18) (renamed in 3.22)

CUSTOMFRAMECAPTIONLIMITS [Windows Only] (non inheritable): limits of the caption area at left and at right. The caption area is always expanded inside the limits when the dialog is resized. Format is "left:right" or in C "%d:%d". Default: "0:0". This will allow the dialog to be moved by the system when the user click and drag the caption area. If not defined but CUSTOMFRAMECAPTION is defined, then it will use the caption element horizontal position and size for the limits (since 3.22). (since 3.18)

HELPBUTTON [Windows Only] (creation only): Inserts a help button in the same place of the maximize button. It can only be used for dialogs without the minimize and maximize buttons, and with the menu box. For the next interaction of the user with a control in the dialog, the callback  HELP_CB will be called instead of the control defined ACTION callback. Possible values: YES, NO. Default: NO.

MAXIMIZEATPARENT [Windows Only]: when using multiple monitors, maximize the dialog in the same monitor that the parent dialog is. (since 3.28)

TOOLBOX [Windows Only] (creation only): makes the dialog look like a toolbox with a smaller title bar. It is only valid if the PARENTDIALOG or NATIVEPARENT attribute is also defined. Default: NO.

Exclusive [GTK Only]

DIALOGHINT [GTK Only] (creation-only): if enabled sets the window type hint to a dialog hint.

HIDETITLEBAR [GTK Only] (non inheritable): hides the title bar with al its elements. (since 3.20) (GTK 3.10)

Exclusive Taskbar and Tray/Status Area [Windows and GTK Only]

HIDETASKBAR [Windows and GTK Only] (write-only): Action attribute that when set to "YES", hides the dialog, but does not decrement the visible dialog count, does not call SHOW_CB and does not mark the dialog as hidden inside IUP. It is usually used to hide the dialog and keep the tray icon working without closing the main loop. It has the same effect as setting LOCKLOOP=Yes and normally hiding the dialog. IMPORTANT: when you hide using HIDETASKBAR, you must show using HIDETASKBAR also. Possible values: YES, NO.

TASKBARPROGRESS [Windows Only] (write-only): this functionality enables the use of progress bar on a taskbar button (Windows 7 or earlier version) (Available only for Visual C++ 10 and above). Default: NO (since 3.10).

TASKBARPROGRESSSTATE [Windows Only] (write-only): sets the type and state of the progress indicator displayed on a taskbar button. Possible values: NORMAL (a green bar), PAUSED (a yellow bar), ERROR (a red bar), INDETERMINATE (a green marquee) and NOPROGRESS (no bar). Default: NORMAL (since 3.10).

TASKBARPROGRESSVALUE [Windows Only] (write-only): updates a progress bar hosted in a taskbar button to show the specific percentage completed of the full operation. The value must be between 0 and 100 (since 3.10).

TASKBARBUTTON [Windows Only]: If set to SHOW force the application button to be shown on the taskbar even if the dialog does not have decorations. If set to HIDE force the application button to be hidden from the taskbar, but also in this case the system menu, the maximize and minimize buttons will be hidden. (since 3.28)

TRAY [Windows and GTK Only]: When set to "YES", displays an icon on the system tray. (GTK 2.10 and GTK < 3.14)

TRAYIMAGE [Windows and GTK Only]: Name of a IUP image to be used as the tray icon. The Windows SDK recommends that cursors and icons should be implemented as resources rather than created at run time. (GTK 2.10 and GTK < 3.14)

TRAYTIP [Windows and GTK Only]: Tray icon's tooltip text. (GTK 2.10 and GTK < 3.14)

TRAYTIPMARKUP [GTK Only]: allows the tip string to contains Pango markup commands. Can be "YES" or "NO". Default: "NO". Must be set before setting the TRAYTIP attribute. (GTK 2.16) (since 3.6)

TRAYTIPBALLOON [Windows Only]: The tip window will have the appearance of a cartoon "balloon" with rounded corners and a stem pointing to the item. Default: NO. Must be set before setting the TRAYTIP attribute. (since 3.6)

TRAYTIPBALLOONDELAY [Windows Only]: Time the tip will remain visible. Default is system dependent. The minimum and maximum values are 10000 and 30000 milliseconds. Must be set before setting the TRAYTIP attribute. (since 3.6)

TRAYTIPBALLOONTITLE [Windows Only]: When using the balloon format, the tip can also has a title in a separate area. Must be set before setting the TRAYTIP attribute. (since 3.6)

TRAYTIPBALLOONTITLEICON [Windows Only]: When using the balloon format, the tip can also has a pre-defined icon in the title area. Must be set before setting the TRAYTIP attribute. (since 3.6)

Values can be:
"0" - No icon (default)
"1" - Info icon
"2" - Warning icon
"3" - Error Icon

Exclusive MDI [Windows Only]

--- For the MDI Frame ---

MDIFRAME (creation only) [Windows Only] (non inheritable): Configure this dialog as a MDI frame. Can be YES or NO. Default: NO.

MDIACTIVE [Windows Only] (read-only): Returns the name of the current active MDI child. Use IupGetAttributeHandle to directly retrieve the child handle.

MDIACTIVATE [Windows Only] (write-only): Name of a MDI child window to be activated. If value is "NEXT" will activate the next window after the current active window. If value is "PREVIOUS" will activate the previous one.

MDIARRANGE [Windows Only] (write-only): Action to arrange MDI child windows. Possible values: TILEHORIZONTAL, TILEVERTICAL, CASCADE and ICON (arrange the minimized icons).

MDICLOSEALL [Windows Only] (write-only): Action to close and destroy all MDI child windows. The CLOSE_CB callback will be called for each child.

IMPORTANT: When a MDI child window is closed it is automatically destroyed. The application can override this returning IUP_IGNORE in CLOSE_CB.

MDINEXT [Windows Only] (read-only): Returns the name of the next available MDI child. Use IupGetAttributeHandle to directly retrieve the child handle. Must use MDIACTIVE to retrieve the first child. If the application is going to destroy the child retrieve the next child before destroying the current.

--- For the MDI Client  (a IupCanvas) ---

MDICLIENT (creation only) [Windows Only] (non inheritable): Configure the canvas as a MDI client. Can be YES or NO. No callbacks will be called. This canvas will be used internally only by the MDI Frame and its MDI Children. The MDI frame must have one and only one MDI client. Default: NO.

MDIMENU (creation only) [Windows Only]: Name of a IupMenu to be used as the Window list of a MDI frame. The system will automatically add the list of MDI child windows there.

--- For the MDI Children ---

MDICHILD (creation only) [Windows Only]: Configure this dialog to be a MDI child. Can be YES or NO. The PARENTDIALOG attribute must also be defined. Each MDI child is automatically named if it does not have one. Default: NO.


CLOSE_CB: Called right before the dialog is closed.

COPYDATA_CB [Windows Only]: Called at the first instance, when a second instance is running. Must set the global attribute SINGLEINSTANCE to be called. (since 3.2)

int function(Ihandle *ih, char* cmdLine, int size); [in C]
elem:copydata_cb(cmdLine: string, size: number) -> (ret: number) [in Lua]

ih: identifier of the element that activated the event.
cmdLine: command line of the second instance.
size: size of the command line string including the null character.

DROPFILES_CB [Windows and GTK Only]: Action generated when one or more files are dropped in the dialog.

CUSTOMFRAME_CB [Windows Only]: Called when the dialog must be redraw. Although it is designed for drawing the frame elements, all the dialog must be painted. Works only when CUSTOMFRAME or CUSTOMFRAMEEX is defined. The dialog can be used just like an IupCanvas to draw its elements, the HDC_WMPAINT and CLIPRECT attributes are defined during the callback. For mouse callbacks use the same callbacks as IupCanvas, such as BUTTON_CB and MOTION_CB. (since 3.18)

int function(Ihandle *ih); [in C]
elem:customframe_cb() -> (ret: number) [in Lua]

ih: identifier of the element that activated the event.

CUSTOMFRAMEACTIVATE_CB [Windows Only]: Called when the dialog active state is changed (for instance the user Alt+Tab to another application, or clicked in another window). Works only when CUSTOMFRAME or CUSTOMFRAMEEX is defined. (since 3.23)

int function(Ihandle *ih, int active); [in C]
ih:customframeactivate_cb(active: number) -> (ret: number) [in Lua]

ih: identifier of the element that activated the event.
active: is non zero if the dialog is active or zero if it is inactive.

FOCUS_CB: Called when the dialog or any of its children gets the focus, or when another dialog or any control in another dialog gets the focus. It is called after the common callbacks GETFOCUS_CB and KILL_FOCUS_CB. (since 3.21)

int function(Ihandle *ih, int focus); [in C]
ih:focus_cb(focus: number) -> (ret: number) [in Lua]

ih: identifier of the element that activated the event.
focus: is non zero if the dialog or any of its children is getting the focus, is zero if it is loosing the focus.

MDIACTIVATE_CB [Windows Only]: Called when a MDI child window is activated. Only the MDI child receive this message. It is not called when the child is shown for the first time.

int function(Ihandle *ih); [in C]
elem:mdiactivate_cb() -> (ret: number) [in Lua]

ih: identifier of the element that activated the event.

MOVE_CB [Windows and GTK Only]: Called after the dialog was moved on screen. The coordinates are the same as the SCREENPOSITION attribute. (since 3.0)

int function(Ihandle *ih, int x, int y); [in C]
elem:move_cb(x, y: number) -> (ret: number) [in Lua]

ih: identifier of the element that activated the event.
x, y: coordinates of the new position.

RESIZE_CB: Action generated when the dialog size is changed. If returns IUP_IGNORE the dialog layout is NOT recalculated. (since 3.0)

SHOW_CB: Called right after the dialog is showed, hidden, maximized, minimized or restored from minimized/maximized.

TRAYCLICK_CB [Windows and GTK Only]: Called right after the mouse button is pressed or released over the tray icon. (GTK 2.10)

int function(Ihandle *ih, int but, int pressed, int dclick); [in C]
elem:trayclick_cb(but, pressed, dclick: number) -> (ret: number) [in Lua]

ih: identifier of the element that activated the event.
but: identifies the activated mouse button. Can be: 1, 2 or 3. Note that this is different from the BUTTON_CB canvas callback definition. GTK does not get button=2 messages.
pressed: indicates the state of the button. Always 1 in GTK.
dclick: indicates a double click. In GTK double click is simulated.

Returns: IUP_CLOSE will be processed.


Drag & Drop attributes and callbacks are supported. 


Do not associate an IupDialog with the native "dialog" nomenclature in Windows, GTK or Motif. IupDialog use native standard windows in all drivers.

Except for the menu, all other elements must be inside a dialog to interact with the user. Therefore, an interface element will only be visible if its dialog is also visible.

The order of callback calling is system dependent. For instance, the RESIZE_CB and the SHOW_CB are called in a different order in Win32 and in X-Windows when the dialog is shown for the first time.

In Windows, when all decorations are removed the window icon is not displayed on the task bar, when minimized a small rectangular window will be positioned above the task bar on the bottom-left corner of the desktop.

In GTK uses a GtkWindow, in Windows uses a custom windows class called "IupDialog", and in Motif uses topLevelShellWidgetClass.

Windows MDI

The MDI support is composed of 3 components: the MDI frame window (IupDialog), the MDI client window (IupCanvas) and the MDI children (IupDialog). Although the MDI client is a IupCanvas it is not used directly by the application, but it must be created and included in the dialog that will be the MDI frame, other controls can also be available in the same dialog, like buttons and other canvases composing toolbars and status area. The following picture illustrates the e components:

Custom Frame

The use of custom frame is very popular nowadays. But the system support is very poor, in Windows and in GTK. So use it carefully and consciously of its glitches.

In GTK is easier to understand because the frame is managed by the Window Manager. So depending on the system it may be provided by the Windows Manager or it is simulated by IUP removing the window decoration.

In Windows, there is no function or attribute to activate this feature in the Win32 API (maybe in WPF there is, but we are stuck with the old API). It is a combination of message handling with returned values in the WindowProc. So sometimes the result is not what was expected. For instance, if the application is not responding the old title bar interface is drawn over the top of the dialog just to show the "Not Responding" at the window caption, even if the window does not have a caption. We don't know how to avoid that. Also the internal double buffer processing for the dialog is some how affected and a sequential of full redraw of the dialog has more flicker than usual.

The CUSTOMFRAMESIMULATE attribute is a workaround that tries to solve the double buffer problem and has more control over the custom frame behavior in general.


Very simple dialog with a label and a button. The application is closed when the button is pressed.

#include <iup.h>

int quit_cb(void)
  return IUP_CLOSE;

int main(int argc, char* argv[])
  Ihandle *dialog, *quit_bt, *vbox;

  IupOpen(&argc, &argv);

  /* Creating the button */ 
  quit_bt = IupButton("Quit", 0);
  IupSetCallback(quit_bt, "ACTION", (Icallback)quit_cb);

  /* the container with a label and the button */
  vbox = IupVbox(
           IupSetAttributes(IupLabel("Very Long Text Label"), "EXPAND=YES, ALIGNMENT=ACENTER"), 
  IupSetAttribute(vbox, "MARGIN", "10x10");
  IupSetAttribute(vbox, "GAP", "5");

  /* Creating the dialog */ 
  dialog = IupDialog(vbox);
  IupSetAttribute(dialog, "TITLE", "Dialog Title");
  IupSetAttributeHandle(dialog, "DEFAULTESC", quit_bt);



  return 0;

Browse for Example Files

See Also

IupFileDlg, IupMessageDlg, IupDestroy, IupShowXY, IupShow, IupPopup