
This is a MATLAB program for solving a continuous beam using the Cross Process. Euler-Bernoulli flexural behavior is assumed (Navier beam theory). This is an initial version without any GUI (Graphics User Interface)>

This program implements the Cross Process for continuous beams with uniformly distributed loads in each spam.

For more details of this process, refer to the book "Análise de Estruturas: Conceitos e Métodos Básicos", Second Edition, by Luiz Fernando Martha, Elsevier, 2017.


Object oriented classes

This program adopts an Object Oriented Programming (OOP) paradigm, in which the following OOP classes are implemented:


Luiz Fernando Martha


@version 1.00

Initial version: August 2017

Initially prepared for the course CIV 2801 - Fundamentos de Computação Gráfica, 2017, second term, Department of Civil Engineering, PUC-Rio.

Clear memory

clear all;
close all;

Test model

nmemb = 3;
EI = ones(1,nmemb) * 10000;  % array member flexural stiffness values [kNm^2]
len = zeros(1,nmemb);        % array of member lengths [m]
q = zeros(1,nmemb);          % array of vertical distributed load (top-down positive) [kN/m]
len(1) = 8;
len(2) = 6;
len(3) = 8;
q(1) = 8;
q(2) = 6;
q(3) = 9;
supinit = 0;                 % flag for simply supported init node
supend = 1;                  % flag for end node with fixed rotation
decplc = 2;                  % number of decimal places for moments

Solve model iteratively and print each stage

solver = CrossSolver(nmemb,supinit,supend,decplc,EI,len,q);
% solver.goThruSolver();
step = 0;
while solver.autoStepSolver() ~= 0
    step = step + 1;
    fprintf(1,'\n\n******** Step: %d ********\n', step );